
Key publications 

I. Heckelmann, Z. Lu, J.C.A. Prentice, F. Auras, T.K. Ronson, R.H. Friend, J.R. Nitschke, S. Feldmann*

Supramolecular Self-Assembly as a Tool to Preserve Electronic Purity of Perylene Diimide Chromophores.

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62, e202216729 (2023).

Highlighted as front Cover of the issue. Highlighted as Hot Topic.

Also check out the Research Highlight and Interview by Diamond Light Source!


A. Ashoka, S. Nagane, N. Strkalj, A. Sharma, B. Roose, A. J. Sneyd, J. Sung, J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, S. D. Stranks, S. Feldmann*, A. Rao*

Local symmetry breaking drives picosecond spin domain formation in polycrystalline halide perovskite films.

Nature Materials 22, 977 (2023).

Also take a look at the no-jargon summary and Interview by the Harvard Gazette!

We thank Rick Averitt (UCSD) for the great News & Views summary as well!

G. H. Ahmed, Y. Liu, I. Bravić, X. Ng, I. Heckelmann, P. Narayanan, M. S. Fernández, B. Monserrat, D. N. Congreve, S. Feldmann*

Luminescence enhancement due to symmetry breaking in doped halide perovskite nanocrystals.

Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 34, 15862 (2022).

S. Feldmann, S. Macpherson, S.P. Senanayak, M. Abdi-Jalebi, J.P.H. Rivett, G. Nan, G.D. Tainter, T.A.S. Doherty, K. Frohna, E. Ringe, R.H. Friend, H. Sirringhaus, M. Saliba, D. Beljonne, S.D. Stranks, F. Deschler

Photodoping through local charge carrier accumulation in alloyed hybrid perovskites for highly efficient luminescence.

Nature Photonics 14, 123 (2020).

Featured on the Cover of Physik Journal 02/2020.

Also check out this summary without the jargon on IFLS, or Sascha's interview with The Naked Scientists, broadcasted on BBC Cambridgeshire, Radio 5 live, and ABC Australia!

Further publications

Z. A. VanOrman, W. R. Kitzmann, A.-P. M. Reponen, T. Deshpande, H. J. Jöbsis, S. Feldmann*

Chiral light-matter interactions in solution-processable semiconductors.

Nature Reviews Chemistry (2025).

A. Ashoka, A. J. Clancy, N. A. Panjwani, A. Cronin, L. Picco, E. S. Y. Aw, N. J. M. Popiel, A. G. Eaton, T. G. Parton, R. R. C. Shutt, S. Feldmann, R. Carey, T. J. Macdonald, C. Liu, M. E. Severijnen, S. Kleuskens, L. A. Muscarella, F. R. Fischer, H. Barbosa de Aguiar, R. H. Friend, J. Behrends, P. C. M. Christianen, C. A. Howard, R. Pandya.

Room temperature optically and magnetically active edges in phosphorene nanoribbons.

Nature 639, 348 (2025).

A.-P. M. Reponen, M. Mattes, Z. A. VanOrman, L. Estaque, G. Pieters, S. Feldmann*

Broadband transient full-Stokes luminescence spectroscopy with high sensitivity.

ArXiv (2025).

Z. A. VanOrman, M. Cárdenes Wuttig, A.-P. M. Reponen, T.-S. Kim, C. E. Casaday, D. Cui, C. Reece, S. Feldmann*

Metal doping of halide perovskite nanocrystals under ambient conditions.

ChemRxiv (2024).

H. J. Jobsis, L. Gao, A.-P. M. Reponen, Z. A. VanOrman, R. P.P.P.M. Rijpers, H. I. Wang, S. Feldmann, E. M. Hutter

The Effect of Charge Carrier Cooling on the Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Cs2AgBiBr6 Thin Films.

ACS Energy Letters 10, 2, 1050 (2025).

F. Reichenauer, R. Naumann, C. Förster, W. R. Kitzmann, A.-P. M. Reponen, S. Feldmann, K. Heinze

Bridge Editing of Spin-Flip Emitters Gives Insight into Excited State Energies and Dynamics.

Chemical Science 15, 20251 (2024).

W. Luo, S. Kim, N. Lempesis, L. Merten, E. Kneschaurek, M. Dankl, V. Carnevali, L. Agosta, V. Slama, Z. VanOrman, M. Siczek, W. Bury, B. Gallant, D. J. Kubicki, M. Zalibera, L. Piveteau, M. Deconinck, L. A. Guerrero-León, A. T. Frei, P. A. Gaina, E, Carteau, P. Zimmermann, A. Hinderhofer, F. Schreiber, J.-E. Moser, Y. Vaynzof, S. Feldmann, J.-Y. Seo, U. Rothlisberger, J. V. Milić

From Chalcogen Bonding to S–π Interactions in Hybrid Perovskite Photovoltaics.

Advanced Science 11, 32, 2405622 (2024).

F. Furlan, J. M. Moreno-Naranjo, N. Gasparini, S. Feldmann, J. Wade, M. J. Fuchter

Chiral materials and mechanisms for circularly polarized light-emitting diodes.

Nature Photonics 18, 658 (2024).

S. Montanaro, A. J. Gillett, P. Kimber, D. Xing, S. Feldmann, E. Evans, S. Warrington, F. Plasser, R. H. Friend, I. A. Wright

Elucidating the non-radiative losses encountered in intramolecular charge transfer compounds with benzodithiophene-4,8-dione acceptors.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C 12, 14021 (2024).

S. A. Bourelle, X. Zhang, S. Feldmann, B. Zhang, A. Mathieson, L. Eyre, H. Abolins, T. Winkler, C. G. Van de Walle, F. Deschler

Energy Level Gradients from Surface to Bulk in Hybrid Metal-Halide Perovskite Thin Films.

PRX Energy 3, 033001 (2024).

W. M. Runowski*, P. Woźny, I. R. Martín, K. Soler-Carracedo, T. Zheng*, H. Hemmerich, F. Rivera-López, J. Moszczyński, P. Kulpiński, S. Feldmann*

Multimodal Optically Nonlinear Nanoparticles Exhibiting Simultaneous Higher Harmonics Generation and Upconversion Luminescence for Anticounterfeiting and 8-bit Optical Coding.

Advanced Functional Materials 34, 1, 2307791 (2024).

A. Stadlbauer, L. Eyre, A. Biewald, F. Rauh, M. W. Heindl, S. Liu, J. Zerhoch, S. Feldmann, A. Hartschuh, F. Deschler

Photoexcitation Control of Excitation Relaxation in Mixed-Phase Ruddlesden-Popper Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Lead-Iodide Perovskites.

Advanced Optical Materials 12, 8, 2301331 (2024).

S. Feldmann*

10-Year Anniversary Special Issue: Photophysics of Halide Perovskites – from Bulk to Nano. Editorial.

Advanced Optical Materials 12, 8, 2303345 (2024).

W. R. Kitzmann, J. Freudenthal, A.-P. M. Reponen, Z. A. VanOrman, S. Feldmann*

Fundamentals, Advances, and Artifacts in Circularly Polarized Luminescence (CPL) Spectroscopy.

Advanced Materials 35, 44, 2302279 (2023).

Highlighted as Cover.

W. R. Kitzmann, D. Hunger, A.-P. M. Reponen, C. Förster, R. Schoch, M. Bauer, S. Feldmann, J. van Slageren, K. Heinze

Electronic Structure and Excited-State Dynamics of the NIR-II Emissive Molybdenum(III) Analogue to the Molecular Ruby.

Inorganic Chemistry 62, 39, 15797 (2023).

Highlighted as Featured Article and Cover.

S. Liu, M. Kepenekian, S. Bodnar, S. Feldmann, M. W. Heindl, N. Fehn, J. Zerhoch, A. Shcherbakov, A. Poethig, Y. Li, U. W. Paetzold, A. Kartouzian, I. D. Sharp, C. Katan, J. Even, F. Deschler

Bright circularly polarized photoluminescence in chiral layered hybrid lead-halide perovskites.

Science Advances 9, eadh5083 (2023).

S. Feldmann*

Taming the tiniest of lasers: Electrically pumped amplified spontaneous emission from nanocrystals.

Matter 8 (6), 2568 (2023). (free access link)

I. I Regeni, R. Chowdhury, K. Terlinden, S. Horiuchi, J. J. Holstein, S. Feldmann, G. H. Clever

Engineering Soluble Diketopyrrolopyrrole Chromophore Stacks from a Series of Pd(II)-based Ravels.

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62, e202308288 (2023).

J. Crassous, M.J. Fuchter, D.E. Freedman, N.A. Kotov, J. Moon, M.C. Beard, S. Feldmann*

Materials for chiral light control.

Nature Reviews Materials 8, 365 (2023).

C. Z. Lu, T.K. Ronson, A.W. Heard, S. Feldmann, N. Vanthuyne, A. Martinez, J.R. Nitschke

Enantioselective fullerene functionalization through stereochemical information transfer from a self-assembled cage.

Nature Chemistry 15, 405 (2023).

C. Cho, S. Feldmann, K. M. Yeom, Y.-W. Jang, S. Kahmann, J.-Y. Huang, T. C.-J. Yang, M. N. T. Khayyat, Y.-R. Wu, M. Choi, J. H. Noh, S. D. Stranks, N. C. Greenham

Efficient vertical charge transport in polycrystalline halide perovskites revealed by four-dimensional tracking of charge carriers.

Nature Materials 21, 1388 (2022).

A. G. M. Mathieson, W. M. Dose, H.-G. Steinrück, C. J. Takacs, S. Feldmann, R. Pandya, A. J. Merryweather, D. Mackanic, A. Rao, Felix Deschler, M. De Volder

A mechanistic study of the dopant-induced breakdown in halide perovskites using solid state energy storage devices.

Energy & Environmental Science 15, 4323 (2022).

A. J. Gillett, A. Pershin, R. Pandya, S. Feldmann, A. J. Sneyd, A. M. Alvertis, E. W. Evans, T. H. Thomas, L.-S. Cui, B. H. Drummond, G. D. Scholes, Y. Olivier, A. Rao, R. H. Friend, D. Beljonne

Dielectric control of reverse intersystem crossing in thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters.

Nature Materials 21, 1150 (2022).


A. G. M. Mathieson, S. Feldmann*, M. De Volder*

Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries as a Method for Doping Halide Perovskites with an In Situ Optical Readout of Dopant Concentration. 

JACS Au 2, 6, 1313 (2022).

S. Feldmann*, T. Neumann, R. Ciesielski, R. H. Friend, A. Hartschuh, F. Deschler*

Tailored Local Bandgap Modulation as a Strategy to Maximize Luminescence Yields in Mixed-Halide Perovskites.

Advanced Optical Materials 9, 18, 2100635 (2021).

Featured as Cover of the Special Issue.

S. Feldmann*, M. K. Gangishetty, I. Bravić, T. Neumann, B. Peng, T. Winkler, R. H. Friend, B. Monserrat, D. N. Congreve, F. Deschler*

Charge carrier localization in doped perovskite nanocrystals enhances radiative recombination.

Journal of the American Chemical Society 143, 23, 8647 (2021).

Highlighted as front Cover of the issue.

Also check out this summary without the jargon featured on the University Homepage or!

C. M. Wolff, S. A. Bourelle, L. Q. Phuong, J. Kurpiers, S. Feldmann, P. Caprioglio, J. A. Marquez, J. Wolansky, T. Unold, M. Stolterfoht, S. Shoaee, F. Deschler, D. Neher

Orders of Recombination in Complete Perovskite Solar Cells – Linking Time-Resolved and Steady-State Measurements. 

Advanced Energy Materials 2101823 (2021).

A. Stein, D. Rolf, C. Lotze, S. Feldmann, D. Gerbert, B. Günther, A. Jeindl, J. J. Cartus, O. T. Hofmann, L. H. Gade, K. J. Franke, P. Tegeder

Electronic Properties of Tetraazaperopyrene Derivatives on Au(111): Energy-Level Alignment and Interfacial Band Formation. 

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 36, 19969 (2021).


T. W. J. van de Goor, Y. Liu, S. Feldmann, S. A. Bourelle, T. Neumann, T. Winkler, N. D. Kelly, C. Liu, M. A. Jones, S. P. Emge, R. H. Friend, B. Monserrat, F. Deschler, S. E. Dutton

Impact of Orientational Glass Formation and Local Strain on Photo-Induced Halide Segregation in Hybrid Metal-Halide Perovskites. 

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 27, 15025 (2021).


T. Neumann, S. Feldmann, P. Moser, A. Delhomme, J. Zerhoch, T. van de Goor, S. Wang, M. Dyksik, T. Winkler, J. J. Finley, P. Plochocka, M. S. Brandt, C. Faugeras, A. V. Stier, F. Deschler

Manganese doping for enhanced magnetic brightening and circular polarization control of dark excitons in paramagnetic layered hybrid metal-halide perovskites.

Nature Communications 12, 3489 (2021).


B. Guzelturk, T. Winkler, T.W.J. van de Goor, M.D. Smith, S.A. Bourelle, S. Feldmann, M. Trigo, S.W. Teitelbaum, H.-G. Steinrueck, G.A. de la Pena, R. Alonso-Mori, D. Zhu, T. Sato, H.I. Karunadasa, M.F. Toney, F. Deschler, A.M. Lindenberg

Visualization of dynamic polaronic strain fields in hybrid lead halide perovskites.

Nature Materials 20, 618 (2021).


B. D. Boruah, A. Mathieson, B. Wen, S. Feldmann, W. M. Dose, M. de Volder

Photo-rechargeable Zinc-ion Batteries.

Energy & Environmental Science 13, 2414 (2020).


S. A. Bourelle, R. Shivanna, F. V. A. Camargo, S. Ghosh, A. J. Gillett, S. P. Senanayak, S. Feldmann, L. Eyre, A. Ashoka, T. W. J. van de Goor, H. Abolins, T. Winkler, G. Cerullo, R. H. Friend, F. Deschler

How Exciton Interactions Control Spin-Depolarisation in Layered Hybrid Perovskites.

Nano Letters 20, 8, 5678 (2020).


T. Schmitt, S. Bourelle, N. Tye, G. Soavi, A. D. Bond, S. Feldmann, B. Traore, C. Katan, J. Even, S. E. Dutton, F. Deschler

Control of Crystal Symmetry Breaking with Halogen-Substituted Benzylammonium in Layered Hybrid Metal-Halide Perovskites.

Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, 11, 5060 (2020).


F. V. A. Camargo, T. Nagahara, S. Feldmann, J. M. Richter, R. H. Friend, G. Cerullo, F. Deschler

Dark Sub-Gap States in Metal-Halide Perovskites Revealed by Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy.

Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, 2, 777 (2020).


S. Montanaro, A. J. Gillett, S. Feldmann, E. W. Evans, F. Plasser, R. H. Friend, I. A. Wright

Red-Shifted Delayed Fluorescence at the Expense of Photoluminescence Quantum Efficiency – an Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Molecule Based on a Benzodithiophene-4{,}8-Dione Acceptor.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 10580 (2019).


S. Weiß, D. Gerbert, A. Stein, A. K. Schenk, X. Yang, C. Brülke, R. Kremring, S. Feldmann, F. C. Bocquet, M. Gille, S. Hecht, M. Sokolowski, P. Tegeder, S. Soubatch, F. S. Tautz

Dependence of the adsorption height of graphene-like adsorbates on their dimensionality.

Physical Review B 98075410 (2018).


S. Hanf, R. García-Rodríguez, S. Feldmann, A. D. Bond, E. Hey-Hawkins, D. S. Wright

Multidentate 2-pyridyl-phosphine ligands – towards ligand tuning and chirality.

Dalton Transactions 46814 (2017).